Hear ye! Hear ye!....hear comes the gang!...the broken English gang!
Howd yah peps! Do you know would you know? op kors not! coconut! The name is tarsing…at your service! You want coffee? want tea? Don’t asking me don’t have it….you buys one if you likes it! But if you really loves it…ask bogart to make it…BOGART.. Ah! Bogart is the name is you not going to mess! a balisong and litson is where her land title is. A friend good to everyones and all but not to the the boyfriend everyones is looking for!....
Here comes Praxy, the mother geese of all sikens and hens!....Oc-Oc is her game…dont do this don’t mess that…is you not put your things in the right flaces and she will get mad and hell broken loose like a shoe lace. Is you a friend in need and a friend indeed she is! A house is not a home without “SISI”…sinangag and sinigang!..How sad and lonely are you without a home and a shelter is founded in her home sweet home….AND o my,o my,mama….to me she is so wonderful..o my mama today she so expectant….today until tomorrow she is having a baby..their little gogoo!
Pining is the name..for her is an ear she cant hear.. a joke you cracks she will cry..a future she carries like a backpack in the front that I don’t has until I die…….have I not? Of course not unless Im a surgery …who will surgeon my boobs!. Is her land title the island of china near the cold mountains of tagaytay…where pin-apple is the key to a mans acidic belly..
Badong is the man and oh he is! But for sure pedicure!..a man with a big……heart! And …….lissssp…..he is a masterful, a friend to every one and all,…but be carefully with extra care!.. you might be….. MIS…..LEAD don’t you dare!....cos I cares!..are you? Better be or else walis… you’re a mess!
Here ye o yeh comes…Goo!gooo!..readi gits sit GOOO! Is Who creates the universes and gooo will answer who………are u? op kors not
Question and his fortee…FORTY ONE...forty two!.....and so so…so…..sow and you shall reap!....sow he is…until praxy has a little gogoo in her keps and make a number 2 for her babes!...cheers to u 2! And also to u!
She is the name and who she is? Ask her of kors..and is she will make a feece!….asleep all the way that edsa becoms her crib! the hysterical of her relatib….mysteriously her likely is hot and spicy to us shes always is all that spicy that originals treats her nicely. .addictous of the cameras…...she is….. that shooting is…..her hobby is all she makes……tow….tree….”say….kesoooow and cheeze” and together we pose to make us be the fest! …that’s Miling!....
Coy …is she the one one o yes she is!...ask and you shall receib seek and she shall found it!...a friend to every one and all…a friend to us all. Seriously not smiling us all looking for a BOY-prend to make her 24/7 day worth the call…Call a friend..dial 911 and she will there to answer the celfon but don’t espect if your line is dead just like mines because you will not hear hers said…. A hearts a big as ..the papaya but hers is not a papaya only a kaimito…das all.! I thank u!
A biggy hearty man.das BIG BOY! the brotherhood of him so great a lawyers is him has the brains of the law. You can judge because he is a book with covers…and he will be a judge someday, somehow..over the rainbow….so you better watch better not better not telling you why…santa..este…BIBOY is coming to town…watch out MUNDRA!..
And last but not the least becoz he is…..Pangat!.. Is him is the name of the fighters whos fights for the rights and is not the left. A man with hearts huge as the universe…a childrens daddy!....our daddy!...A shoulder with a battles to drink and at wars with the peps who mess with the geeks…is him is my hubby bubbly who is madly deadly and wildy protects the family and fights the cowardly…alls in the ly of the words! on and so forth
And lastly I will introductory myself, me and tarsier…is all but the same once and for all…I am this and I did make yah all laugh love and behold till crimes do us part. Together we stand….together we fall…divided we die …alone! Op kors! Its nice to live and let live ..becuase in living dats all we keep on smiling and dreaming! my love to this group that’s keeping me here writing stupidous things…oh sooo lovable of you all that I love you all…every pounds of you!
I will park my pen …because I don’t have a pen…but my laptop is oh so tired and dreamy and wanted to shut down and be merry…so until next my dearest friends…well see each other again…you will hear from me if you have an ear…and you read me if you have an eye…sooo goodbye and see yah all …today…tomorrow..who knows! It might be later, it might tonight!
P.s. Post Natal ScriptS!!!!....
No one is an island because no one can buy an island!..and so is not a home without a house…esp when its rented! unto unto others as others unto unto you….so don’t! don’t dare or we will ! don’t judge or else we will call a judge!…a judge who is not a lawyer but a judge who knows no law!
Its better early than late! So don’t be late or be judged!
Its better to receive than to give…in this is! asked and you shall get paid…knock! And the door will be padlocked to u! and you will never find the hidden!...because its also locked no!
I thank you!